N5 Nikitin-Werkstatt Geowürfel Englisch
ISBN | 978-3-07-210013-7 |
Schulfach | Wahrnehmung |
Klassenstufe | bis 2. Schuljahr |
Alter | 4 Jahre bis 8 Jahre |
Nikitin - Workshop for the Geo Cubes
This Nikitin workshop perfectly complements the "Geo Cube" set, which is part of our successful Nikitin series. Included are many additional exercises for building as well as colouring templates. Every child can be supported according to his or her level of achievement and learning. As with all our Nikitin games, the central learning principle still applies: move from easy to more difficult!
We recommend using the workshop together with the Geo cubes!
Area of learning:
- Practice visual perception
- Develop an understanding of geometry
- Structural and spatial imagination
- Creativity
Content: 195 pages including solutions
Age level:4 years and up
Transition from kindergarten/primary school
Primary school/primary level
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